Control Union Academy GmbH

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107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs

Die Control Union Akademie teilt hier eine Information der Washington Post mit dem Titel:
107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs


Als unseren Standpunkt zitieren wir den Wortlaut eines Kommentars des Leiters der Control Union Akademie auf LinkedIn, wo der obige Brief heftig diskutiert wird:
The letter shows that scientists who devote their life to the study of a specialty, not be able to classify the results of their work. They are too close and are not able to see the more far consequences of their work. And of course, the want to have the results of their research in practice, like the developer of the atomic bomb, the brightest minds in the world of that time. Each person not yet understand me, should read the old novel by H. G. Wells (The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth) first published in 1904th.


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